Infant colic begins towards the end of the first month and resolves spontaneously around three months. But they can last up to 6 months. They could be linked to gas blockage in the gut.
What exactly is colic?
Infant colic is defined by your baby crying for more than 3 hours per 24 hours, for more than three days a week for more than three weeks. Seizures occur day and night, vary in duration, and can be triggered or increased by food intake.
Your baby is often restless, hypertonic, closes his fists, curls up, brings his legs to his tummy.
Emission of intestinal gas, regurgitation, or vomiting may provide relief for your child.
But the term infant colic is often misused and confused with recurrent abdominal pain.
Recurrent abdominal pain.
They can appear from birth, last less, and do not wake up at night. They often occur after meals and last much shorter than infant colic attacks. Very often these are anxious children with digestive disorders.
How can I help my baby?
Your baby's sleep and digestion go hand in hand.
During the first month, your newborn baby is often restless. This agitation increases if:
1- The daily sleep time is insufficient;
2- If the child is disturbed by repeated interventions that could wake him up (such as a bottle at any time);
3- If he suffers from digestive pain.
If your baby's sleep time is reduced, chronic fatigue will set in and amplify the digestive pain that will generate a state of nervousness, and ... the circle is complete. You will have understood that the importance of respecting your baby's sleep is essential.
A gentle and precise osteopathic treatment will detect the dysfunctions causing your baby's pain. His sleep will be of good quality and his diet will no longer cause digestive pain.
Rafaele Hana FEDIDA
Osteopath D.O