The premature child
The sleep :
👉🏻In the fetal phase, the baby sleeps a lot;
👉🏻The awakening moments are few and very short;
👉🏻The premature baby can even sleep during childbirth;
👉🏻Sleep is predominant over food (a premature child will not wake up to eat).
📌No worry, your child does not have hyperinsomnia and does not refuse to eat.
(This explains the instructions to wake up the premature baby every 3 hours to make him breastfeed).
👉🏻The low birth weight, the child has less strength to eat;
In addition, the awakening times being short, the food must be fast
👉🏻 It is not uncommon for the breastfeed to be split. The meal can then be done in 2 or 3 times and last an hour.
📌For mothers, it can be difficult to know where the same meal begins and where it ends.
In premature children, the consultation with your osteopath Rafaele Hana will aim to help your baby eat better and release tissue tension from its intra uterine position.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Rafaele Hana FEDIDA
Osteopath DO - Jerusalem