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The pregnant woman

Osteopathic care during your pregnancy is completely recommended and safe . Indeed, the use of gentle and safe maneuvers for your baby can relieve the discomfort and various ailments created by changes in your body such as:  

  • Back pain: Neck pain, Back pain, Lumbago / Lumbago

  • Joint and muscle pain 

  • Sciatica

  • Torticollis

  • Migraines

  • Sinusitis

  • Symphysiolysis

Pregnant, your body will need a helping hand to keep its balance : releasing ligamentous tensions that can be at the origin of your back pain, your pelvic pain and even that famous sciatica that handicaps you as soon as you get up. But also to promote the correct positioning of your baby throughout your pregnancy and childbirth.

Don't panic, Rafaele Hana your Osteopath in Jerusalem will accompany you throughout this magnificent 9-month journey, and until the preparation for the birth of your magnificent baby.

Stretching and gentle exercises adapted to you will allow you to find and maintain fluid breathing during pregnancy and during childbirth.

Tips and tricks

Everything you need to know about pregnant women

The 6 wellness appointments during your pregnancy:

1. From the 3rd month: nausea and vomiting

These symptoms are due to a temporary imbalance in the vegetative system.

You can sometimes suffer from  reflux or constipation , the first osteopathy session will be beneficial to treat all of its ailments.  


2. The back:

The back is one of the most stressed parts of the body during your pregnancy. With the tilt in front of the pelvis, you do not always know how to relieve the pains that appear , but also those that you had before the pregnancy .

This second osteopathy session will prepare your body and your back to fully live the next 6 months of your pregnancy.  


3. From the 6th month: The pelvis and the diaphragm

Checking the mobility of the pelvis is essential to prepare for your birth . In addition, the release of the diaphragm muscle allows you to improve your breathing , which is why this third osteopathy session is very important because it gently prepares your body for the magnificent day that you are going to live.  


4. From the 8 / 9th month: Preparation for childbirth

The childbirth is prepared beforehand thanks to the osteopathic follow-up which you will have already benefited from but the fourth osteopathy session of the 9th month is all the more important to facilitate the baby's passage, to relax the mother, and to work on the whole body. .. but also and above all to release anxiety, stress and other emotions.


5. After childbirth:

After childbirth , the sudden drop in the hormone responsible for the mother's postpartum depression, maintained by the physical fatigue of childbirth, requires you to release the points of tension in your body during this fifth session.


Osteopathy will help you to release lower back pain but also the famous bar in the middle of the back, all the muscles of the body are put to severe tests during pregnancy and during childbirth, which is why the role of and the osteopath will relax your muscles but also rebalance your pelvis.  


6. And for baby ?! 

Colic, reflux, torticollis , sleep disorders ... your baby may experience some inconvenience from the first months of life. In order to treat and prevent certain ailments or disorders that may appear from birth, the osteopath will have a role to play in the care of the infant .

This is why this sixth meeting is essential.


Correcting infant disorders upstream means preventing them from taking hold.

A gift or a wish? 

Take advantage of your personal support  with our 6 well-being meetings , personalized exercises  adapted  To  your ailments as well as practical advice. 

Your testimonials

Emouna A.

My first childbirth was particularly long, difficult and traumatic.


I would like to thank Ha.shem for having been able to do my second pregnancy follow-up with Rafaele Hana.

I did not believe it but I decided to take the plunge.  

It was simply a miracle : I was relaxed, my body was relaxed, I was serene. With all his gentleness Rafaele knew how to put me in confidence and I was able to live the childbirth of my dreams!  

I wish you all;)

Lea H.

! בוקר טוב 
רציתי להודות לך ולשתף אותך: ישנתי ממש טוב הלילה אחרי הרבה זמן שקשה לי לישון. וכאילו כמו קסם שנעלמו לי הכאבים .. אני יושבת בעבודה ולא סובלת ... ברוך ה 'בתקווה שלא יחזור.
יבורכו ידייך ...

Mihal B.

Rafaele Hana, thank you for your follow-up, your precious advice at each session and all your support.  

You helped me tremendously, and even your messages outside of the sessions kept me going.

Bh I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and we are doing very well!  

We look forward to seeing you for our postpartum meeting !!

© Rafaele Hana Osteopath

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