Osteopathy and nocturnal enuresis
👉🏻Go to the toilet regularly during the day and before going to bed;
👉🏻 Teach him to listen to the signals of his bladder and not to hold back;
👉🏻Do not drink too much before bedtime;
👉🏻Install a night light so that your child can go to the toilet at night without difficulty and without being afraid;
👉🏻Avoid putting him on a diaper.
👉🏻Put a plastic mattress cover under the sheet to protect the mattress.
👉🏻Help him wash thoroughly in the morning to avoid irritation
👉🏻Talk with your child to relieve them of guilt. Remember that bedwetting is involuntary. It would therefore be unfair and unnecessary to punish or compare him to others. On the contrary, having a good attitude can act as positive reinforcement.
💕A little support 💕
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Praise him when he doesn't wet his bed at night.
👍🏻 Support him. Tell her you know it's not her fault and that other children wet their beds at night.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
Rafaele Hana FEDIDA
Osteopath DO